About Us
Who We Are
Hotels Association of Tanzania (HAT) is a non-profit registered organisation formed in 2004 and a member of the Tourism Confederation Tanzania (TCT), the tourism apex body that consists of 11 other Tourism Private Sector associations. It originated from Hotels Keepers Association of Tanzania formed in the 1970s.
HAT has developed to and promotes and protects the interests of registered accommodation establishments through lobbying and advocating for laws, regulations and processes that will have a positive implication on the private sector, public sector and the Tanzanian economy.
Our Vision
Making Tanzanian Hospitality ‘globally competitive and viable’ for the stakeholders, who include members, employees, local communities, suppliers and the Government.
Our Mission
HAT exists to defend the rights and interests of the accommodation business in Tanzania, and through its membership strength it aims to influence the sustainable growth of tourism.
Focus Areas
Hotels Association of Tanzania (HAT) originated from Hotels Keepers Association of Tanzania, formed in the 1970s. The Hotels Keepers Association was a bit different given the fact that during those times, tourism was still a public service and many hotels were majority owned by the government. During the mid-late 1990s, the government began to privatise many of its hotels and tourism was quickly expanding to the private sector.
The Hotels Association was formed to cater to the changes that came with the private sector playing a major role in tourism. It was also made to cater to the different diverse accommodation properties that were emerging in the market, for example, tented camps etc. The initial vision at that point like many other private sector associations forming at the time was to have an association that will help private sector navigate this new relationship between them and the public sector in the industry. There were several gaps in the laws and missing institutions therefore, the main objective was to make sure that the private sector had a say in the type of business environment that was being set.
HAT has developed to and promotes and protects the interests of registered accommodation establishments through lobbying and advocating for laws, regulations and processes that will have a positive implication on the private sector, public sector and the Tanzanian economy. The message we try to get across with government is that we are partners and need to work together in creating a viable business environment and to ensure the sustainability of the tourism industry as a whole.
HAT with its members have always worked in partnership with our Ministry and its respective authorities, and all other tourism associations and stakeholders to promote, strengthen and protect our industry to be not only financial, socially sustainable but now also environmentally sustainable. Our ultimate objective being, to make Tanzania hospitality industry competitive globally and viable for the investors, employers, employees, local communities, suppliers and the Government.
Our Team
We’re driven by the idea of promoting and protecting the interests of registered accommodation establishments through lobbying and advocating for laws, regulations and processes that will have a positive implication on the private sector, public sector and the Tanzanian economy.
Kennedy Edward
Chief Executive Officer
By profession, Kennedy is an Advocated of the High court and subordinate courts thereto with a focus in corporate, compliance, immigration and research. As the CEO he is responsible for representing any and all matters of interest to members in tourism and hospitality sector before the Government and Non-Government bodies aimed at improving resilience and growth of tourism business.

Jennifer Abel
Administrative Officer
Jennifer is responsible for providing administrative support to HAT secretariat including human resource, accounts reconciliation, financial issues, membership services, office operations, filing, overall office management and ensure a smooth implementation of HAT programs.